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  • Writer's pictureRubber Monkey

Wind Protection for Lavalier, Shotgun, and Handheld Microphones

When it comes to recording audio outdoors, wind can be a major nuisance, causing unwanted noise and compromising the quality of your recordings. That's where wind protection for microphones becomes essential. In this article, we will explore the importance of wind protection and delve into the various solutions available for lavalier, shotgun, and handheld microphones.

Understanding Wind Noise

To effectively combat wind noise, it's crucial to understand what causes it in the first place. Wind noise occurs when the airflow interacts with the microphone diaphragm, resulting in disruptive gusts and rumbling sounds. This interference can significantly impact the clarity and intelligibility of your audio recordings.

Lavalier microphones are commonly used in broadcast, interviews, and presentations, making them susceptible to wind noise due to their small size and exposed position. Fortunately, there are several wind protection solutions available for lavalier mics.

Foam Windscreens: These inexpensive and lightweight foam covers fit snugly over the microphone, reducing wind noise while preserving the natural sound quality.

Furry Windshields: Ideal for windy environments, furry windshields, also known as "dead cats," are made of synthetic fur that helps to minimize wind noise and provide excellent protection. Bubblebee Industries Windbubble products come in a variety of sizes and colours to suit your lavalier mic of choice. See our sizing guide below to pick the right one for your mic.

Microphone Concealers: These specialized accessories offer discreet wind protection for lavalier microphones, allowing for optimal audio capture while minimizing wind interference. Bubblebee has both soft and hard mount concealers for a range of lavalier mics.

Shotgun Microphone Wind Protection

Shotgun microphones are commonly used in film production, sports broadcasting, and field recording, where wind noise can be particularly challenging to manage. To address this issue, various wind protection options are available for shotgun mics.

Blimp Windshields: Blimps, or zeppelins, are large, hollow windshields that enclose the shotgun microphone. They provide exceptional wind protection by creating a still air chamber around the microphone.

Softie Windshields: These compact and lightweight windshields feature an open-cell foam design that effectively reduces wind noise without compromising audio quality.

Microphone Windjammers: Windjammers, often made of synthetic fur or fuzzy material, provide an additional layer of wind protection by further diffusing and absorbing wind noise.

Bubblebee Windkiller and Spacer Bubble are ideal choices for shotgun mic wind protection. See our sizing guide below to pick the right one for your mic.

Handheld Microphone Wind Protection

Handheld microphones are commonly used in live performances, interviews, and presentations, and their exposed design makes them vulnerable to wind noise.

Fortunately, there are several wind protection solutions available for handheld mics.

Foam Ball Windscreens: These spherical foam covers fit over the microphone head, reducing wind noise while allowing for clear and natural audio reproduction.

Microphone Windscreens: Similar to foam ball windscreens, microphone windscreens provide wind protection while preserving the microphone's sound characteristics.

Windsocks and Windjammers: These accessories, typically made of fur or synthetic materials, slip over the microphone to effectively reduce wind noise and ensure high-quality audio. Bubblebee Industries has a range of their Windkiller and Windbubble products ideally suited for handheld microphones.

Factors to Consider for Effective Wind Protection

When selecting wind protection solutions for your microphone, several factors should be taken into account:

Environmental Conditions: Consider the wind speed, direction, and overall weather conditions of your recording environment.

Microphone Positioning and Orientation: Properly positioning the microphone and adjusting its angle can help minimize wind exposure and reduce noise.

Wind Noise vs. Sound Quality Trade-off: It's essential to find a balance between wind noise reduction and maintaining the desired sound quality.

Compatibility with Microphone Accessories: Ensure that the wind protection solution is compatible with your microphone model and any additional accessories you may be using.

Best Practices for Wind Noise Reduction

To achieve optimal wind noise reduction, follow these best practices:

Selecting the Right Wind Protection Equipment: Research and choose the wind protection solution that best suits your microphone and recording needs.

Proper Installation and Secure Mounting: Ensure that the wind protection accessory is correctly installed and securely mounted to the microphone to prevent any unwanted noise or interference.

Adjusting Microphone Settings for Windy Conditions: Make appropriate adjustments to microphone gain, EQ settings, and polar patterns to minimize wind noise and optimize audio quality.

Using Directional Microphones: Directional microphones, such as cardioid or supercardioid, are more resistant to wind noise due to their focused pickup pattern.

Utilizing Post-production Techniques: In situations where wind noise is unavoidable, post-production audio editing software can help mitigate the impact of wind noise on your recordings.

Choosing the Right Wind Protection Solution

Choosing the ideal wind protection solution involves considering several factors:

Assessing Your Specific Needs and Budget: Evaluate your recording requirements and budget to find the most suitable wind protection option.

Considering Microphone Compatibility: Ensure compatibility between the wind protection solution and your microphone model.

Evaluating Performance in Windy Environments: Read user reviews, expert recommendations, and field tests to gauge the performance of wind protection solutions in challenging wind conditions.

Reading User Reviews and Expert Recommendations: Seek feedback and recommendations from professionals and users who have experience with the wind protection solution you are considering.


Wind protection is crucial for lavalier, shotgun, and handheld microphones to capture clean and clear audio in outdoor recording situations. By understanding the challenges posed by wind noise and exploring the various wind protection solutions available, you can make informed choices to optimize your audio recordings and deliver professional-quality sound in any environment.

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